
music by Helmut Kogler

April 2023

Newsletter No.4

Most of the spring concerts are over and, as it is well known, "after the concert" is also "before the concert". That's why it's never too early to get new ideas for the next program. In this issue of the newsletter, two young works are presented in more detail.

Wind Energy

The energy transition is already in progress, and sustainable power generation is becoming increasingly important. One of these so-called renewable energies is wind energy, in which wind turbines in a wide variety of designs are used. But wind energy also plays a major role in society apart from its technical use. A wind band also generates energy, which is transmitted in the form of music and converted into a wide variety of emotions in the audience. The lively piece in the popular style (level of difficulty 3 - level C) is therefore well suited for every concert, but also for festivals in order to spread a good mood and positive energy. In addition, the work can still be played as a task piece in concert ratings in Austria this year.


This concert work with difficulty level 3 (level C) sends the listener on a journey of discovery. The intro describes the overwhelming beauty of nature, which is waiting to be discovered in all its glory. After the turbulent mood has subsided, a phase of relaxation and satisfaction sets in. A closer look at a single tree initiates curiosity. What is it about, how old is it, how did it come about? What does it need to survive, how can it reproduce? Why is the air better near him? Can you just look at it or use its wood for other purposes, are its fruits edible or poisonous...? Questions upon questions waiting to be answered.

The musical motif of the "Question" begins with the very first sound of the piece - a dissonance that is harmoniously resolved again. This motif reflects the curiosity that lies dormant in all people. The dissonance creates a tension that can be seen as an impetus for the search for answers. The resolution to a major chord describes the confidence of being able to find an answer to the question. This musical motif runs through the entire work, both in the dreamy bliss of being and in the dramatic passages in which the flood of questions seems to become frightening. In such sections, the dissonance is turning into a minor chord. At the dramatic climax, a tense dominant seventh chord leads to the resolution to major, which finally describes the euphoria after the answer of a very difficult question. After a further phase of relaxation, the gaze wanders over nature in all its glory. Until towards the end of the piece, the awareness finally sets in that every answer found raises a new question and thus the mystery remains forever.

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